OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS4Step 1 Check oil level. Oil level should be level with thebottom of the oil filler neck. Be sure the machine is level whenchecking the oil level. (Refer to the engine’s operating manualfor seasonal grades.) We recommend that the oil be changedafter the first 5 hours of use, then once every 50 hours. Note:Improper oil levels will cause low oil sensor to shut off engine.Step 2 Fill gas tankwith unleaded gasoline.Do not use leaded gasoline.Never use hot water.Step 3 Connectgarden hose to the coldwater source and turn wateron completely.Never use hot water.Step 4 Trigger the gunto eliminate trapped air, waitfor a steady flow of water toemerge from the spraynozzle.Step 5 Slide the chokelever out to the closedposition (on a warm engine,leave the choke lever in theopen position).Step 6 Slide thethrottle lever up about1/3 of the way toward thefast position.Step 7 Pull the starterhandle. If the engine fails tostart after 3 pulls, squeezethe trigger gun to releasepressure, and repeat step.After the engine warms upenough to run smoothly,move choke to open positionand throttle to fast position.Important!Do not run the enginewith a high or low oillevel as this can causeengine damage.If you have furtherquestions regarding theengine, please refer tothe engine’s operatingmanual included withthe unit.