ENGLISHUSER'S MANUALREV. AUSER'S MANUALK-array is the new voice that singsaloud, "outside the choir", and whoseperformance is better than any otherproducts.Born on-the-road, in the PA world, whereyou get no discount, you have to give yourbest as fast as you can, often with a"compressed" budget, K-Array systemshave been designed to give preciseanswers to precise needs.Driven by new generation digital engines,with power/dimension/weight ratios thatare ten times better than any otherprofessional products, K-arrays candeliver the full spectrum of musical styleswith clarity, power, punch, intelligibilityand evenness across both volume levelsand the frequency spectrum. Thesesystems can be remotely controlled andcome with a sophisticated on-boardsoftware, allowing the user to shape theirperformance to taste and needs. InsideK-array systems you will find somethingthat only we can offer: the best intechnology, proudly conceived, designedand produced in Italy. If they were cars,they would be Ferrari. Don't agree to payfor a simple brand, claim performance,and don't believe those who maintain thatthese products are only for few people,the only truth is that K-array systems areunique, but affordable and withineverybody's reach!HP Sound Equipment s.r.l.KR200S