xyxyxyKH7 Ver. 1.2159. ConfIGURaTIonsKH7 features four loudspeakers, each composed of a 12” woofer coupled to an asymmetric horn whichproduced a different sound dispersion pattern in respect to its axes. The sound dispersion is widealong the axis labeled FLOOD and narrow along the axis labeled SPOT.Each horn can be manually rotated 90° using the two handles situated at the front.9.1 hoRn oRIenTaTIonIn this position, the sound dispersionpattern is wide (FLOOD) in respect tothe x-axis and narrow (SPOT) in respectto the y-axis.In this position, the sound dispersionpattern is narrow (SPOT) in respect tothe x-axis and wide (FLOOD) in respectto the y-axis (SPOT).