129.0 AdjustmentsMake sure all levers andlocking handles are tightened before operatingthe lathe.9.1 Tool restReferring to Figure 10:The tool rest assembly is designed to allowadjustment for height, position on the bed, andangle to the work.Loosen locking handle (A) on tool rest base to slidebase forward or back, and to angle it to the bed.Tighten locking handle firmly before operatinglathe.Loosen small handle (B) to raise or lower tool restand angle it to the work. Tighten handle beforeoperating lathe.Figure 109.2 TailstockReferring to Figures 11 and 12:Loosen locking lever (C) and slide tailstock intoposition. Retighten locking lever.Do not position edge oftailstock off end of bed. This will result in lessclamping surface and may increase risk ofinjury.To remove tailstock, loosen lever (C) and slidetailstock off end of bed.Handle (D) locks and unlocks tailstock quill. (Thehandle is adjustable – lift up on handle and rotate iton pin, then release, making sure it seats itself onthe pin.)Handwheel (E) advances and retracts quill.NOTE: If quill is well advanced and won’t respondto handwheel rotation, push quill towardhandwheel until it engages.Figure 11The clamping system has been properly adjustedby the manufacturer. If in the future it does notproperly lock tailstock in position, remove tailstockfrom bed, and turn it over. Adjust cam lock nut(Figure 12) as needed.Figure 129.3 Speed ChangeReferring to Figures 13 and 14:The lathe has three speed ranges, controlled by acombination of the electronic variable speed dial(see section 10.0) and the position of the belt uponone of three pulley sets. Figure 13 identifies theseranges. This chart is also affixed to inside of pulleyaccess door.When there is no torque on the lathe (i.e. runningwithout a workpiece attached), each of the lowersettings has an RPM range as follows: (H) 600-220, (M) 300-110, (L) 160-60.Figure 13To move belt to a different pulley:1. Open upper and lower pulley access doors.