JET 16-32 Plus Drum SanderThe JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander elevates the primarywoodworking tasks of sanding from long and slow to short andfast, one may even venture to say fun. The JET 16-32 Plus DrumSander can transform your work from machined quality lumberto a finish quality project of all shapes and sizes. The open-ended design enables the JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander to handleboards up to 32” in width but has an overall footprint of only35”-wide by 24 ¾”-deep and 48”-tall.The generous use of heavy-duty components insures thedurability and long-term accuracy of the JET 16-32 Plus DrumSander. Its 164-lb weight is testament to that durability and thestability of the JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander. That attention tosaid quality and durability allows JET to offer a full 5-year warranty on the JET 16-32Plus Drum Sander.The JET 16-32 Plus DrumSander has the power,durability and accuracy youneed.CapacityThe unique design of the JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander providesample capacity to handle small and large jobs with ease. One cansand material up to 3”-thick, as thin as 1/32” and anywhere in-between. Unlike planers which often have a minimum lengthrequirement of a foot or more, the JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander cansafely handle pieces as short as 2 ¼”. The open frame design alsolets you sand pieces up to 32”-wide by making two passes. An easyto use camber adjustment makes it easy to prevent “witness marks”when making two passes on wide boards.Being able to sandwood from 3”-thickdown to 1/32”-thickgives the JET 16-32Plus exceptionalversatility.The infinitely variable feed rate and the wide range of sanding grits available make agreat team allowing the JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander to handle fast rough work or finesanding on any species of wood. The generous, stable conveyor platform makes truingmaterial very accurate while smoothing the surface atthe same time.Twin motors provide the sanding poweryou need along with fine control of theconveyor.Power and ControlThe JET 16-32 Plus Drum Sander actually has two highquality motors. A 1 1/2HP, (rated using continuousduty cycle) 1 phase, 110V, 14 amp spins the sandingdrum at a consistent 1725 RPM while a direct drive 43-in.-lbs torque motor drives the conveyor belt separately.