Solid State Heading Sensor (SSHS) Owner’s Manual12If the SSHS receives variation information from the NMEA 0183 interface, it will do thefollowing (see Appendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences):1. Transmit the Heading, Deviation & Variation (HDG) sentence, including the variationfield as seen from the RMC or VTG sentence over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDG isenabled.2. Transmit the Heading True (HDT) sentence using variation data from the RMC or VTGsentence over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDT is enabled.3. Transmit over the NMEA 2000 interface the Magnetic Variation PGN (127258) with theVariation Source field value corresponding to the received NMEA 0183 variation datafrom the RMC or VTG sentence. The PGN’s Variation Source field will be transmittedwith the lowest possible quality indicator, which is “Manual Entry”.Variation Input via the NMEA 2000 InterfaceNote: Jeppesen Marine does not provide technical support for the NMEA 2000interface as of this printing.As shipped from the factory, the SSHS also automatically looks for variation data coming fromthe NMEA 2000 interface. The SSHS accepts variation data from the Magnetic Variation PGN(127258).If the SSHS receives variation information from the NMEA 2000 interface, it will do thefollowing:1. Transmit the Heading, Deviation & Variation (HDG) sentence, including the variationfield as seen from the Magnetic Variation PGN (127258) from the NMEA 2000 interfaceif HDG is enabled (see Appendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).2. Transmit the Heading True (HDT) sentence using variation data from the MagneticVariation PGN (127258) from the NMEA 2000 interface if HDG is enabled (seeAppendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).Variation Input via Manual EntryIf no other source of variation is available (i.e., neither the NMEA 0183 nor NMEA 2000interface), the SSHS can be programmed with a fixed variation value for a given location (thisvalue can be found on most navigational charts).If variation is manually entered into the SSHS, it will then do the following:1. Transmit the Heading, Deviation & Variation (HDG) sentence including the variationfield as manually entered over the NMEA 0183 interface if HDG is enabled (seeAppendix A for enabling or disabling NMEA 0183 sentences).