Issue 05Page 20/20Installation Guide for 3G AntennasConnection:Important: The antenna positioning should be completed before connecting cables.Fit the jumper cables to the antenna connectors. The "+" and the "-" coaxial ports are interchangeableunless otherwise specified by the operator's requirements.The connection to the antenna should ensure that there is no undue stress on the antenna or itsconnectors. Connection shall be in accordance with operator's standard specifications. Form the cablesinto a pre formed "swan neck" and comply with the minimum bending radius specified by the cablemanufacturer. Clamp and strap the cables to the support structure. Avoid any direct contact of the cableto the antenna surface.Electrical tilt adjustment:Set the electrical tilt according to the operator guidelines for this installation. The electrical tilt on theantenna is changed by turning the adjustment screw with a 10 mm spanner.Turn clockwise to increase the tilt on the antenna.The tilt indicator has colour coded spaces. When the limit between two colours is aligned with the bottomplate, the electrical tilt is set to the value indicated just below the plate. The colour markings ensure that itis easy to check that the correct tilt level is set when viewing from a distance.Check and record the antenna return loss on each port and the isolation between ports, if relevant.Waterproof the coaxial connectors. We recommend the use of dedicated devices containing gel materialrather than using tape or mastic. Care must be taken when choosing such a device that it fits to the lengthof the hexagonal nut of the 7/16 connectors on the jumpers.Give a final inspection of the installation and document the antenna installation with antenna type numberand serial number, pointing direction, mechanical tilt, measured return loss.4.4 - MaintenanceThe antenna system should be inspected annually. Particular attention must be given to mountinghardware, nuts and bolts, connector waterproofing. Replace as necessary.During this inspection, clearance of the breather holes must be checked and the antenna shroud shouldbe cleaned with a soft detergent.A return loss measurement of the whole antenna system should be carried out and compared to theprevious record.Antenna repairs are not possible without major de-commissioning of the antenna. Any antennaconsidered faulty should be returned to us for assessment, repair and refurbishment as necessary.Adjustment screw(10 mm spanner)Indicator shows that tiltis set to 8.8 degree