Page 28ENGLISH Jandy ® Pro Series, Hi-E2 ® and Hi-E2R Gas-Fired Heater | Installation & Operation ManualAbsence of voltage at point 6 indicates that the control isnot calling for heat. Be sure that knobs are set to call forheat as indicated earlier and as described in the OperatingInstructions section of this manual. Verify that thethermistor sensor wires are not severed or shorted. Checkwiring connections by removing the temperature controlthrough the front of the bezel. If the control is properlyset and all wiring and connections are correct, replace thecontrol. Venturi Pressure SwitchTouch the voltmeter probe to point 7, which is theterminal of the venturi pressure switch having a purplewire connected to it. If there is no voltage at point 7, theventuri pressure switch is open, indicating inadequateflow through the combustion system. The venturi pressureswitch is a differential type switch which is activated bythe pressure difference created when air flows through theventuri. When the combustion blower is not operating,the venturi pressure switch must be open and voltage willnot be present. See following sections on ignition control"lockout" and combustion blower operation for possibleremedies.Check for blockage at the combustion air inlet, a dirtyair filter or blockage at the vent exhaust or in the vent. Inimproperly installed vent may trap condensate water, forexample, restricting flow. If there is no obvious problem,analyze venturi operation as outlined in a later section ofthis manual. If flow is normal, replace the venturi pressureswitch. Ignition ControlThere will be voltage at point 8, which is the “MVP”terminal of the ignition control, only when there is anattempt to ignite the burner or when the ignition control’sflame sensing system has determined that it is OK to allowburner operation. Even if voltage has been confirmed atpoint 7, the “trial for ignition” sequence is imposed by theignition control. This sequence consists of a 15 secondperiod of pre-purge blower operation, a 40 second periodfor heatup of the igniter and a 7 second trial for ignition,during which there is voltage at point 8. If satisfactoryignition is not achieved, the igniter is turned off and theblower is operated for a 45 second post-purge. The systemmay go through this cycle as many as three (3) times,but thereafter it is “locked out” by the ignition control.Additional attempts will be made only if the call for heatis interrupted by turning off electrical power or setting thecontrol to “Off”. Fireman Switch and ExternalInterlocksProbe for voltage at point 3, the other connection of theterminal block, which has a white wire connected toit. If there is no voltage, the time clock switch or otherexternal interlock may be mis-adjusted, mis-connected ordefective. Correct this external problem. Limit SwitchesProbe for voltage at point 4, which is the water pressureswitch terminal with the white wire connected to it. Thisswitch is mounted on the end of a copper tube and isabout 2” in diameter. Absence of voltage at this pointindicates that one of the limit switches is open. This isnormally due to excessive water temperature, which shouldbe thoroughly investigated before replacement of limitswitches. Water flow deficiency may be due to obviousproblems such as a defective pump or blocked water filter.Alternatively, it may be due to overfiring, or to a problemwith the water piping or the heater's internal bypass control.Overfiring might be a result of an incorrect gas orifice orsupply of propane gas to a heater intended for natural gas.If there are no such fundamental problems, identify whichof the switches is open by temporarily connecting a jumperwire across its terminals. Replace a defective limit switch.Limit switch access is through the side cover panel on theside of the heater to which water pipes are connected.NOTE The limit switches have different trip points, and it isimportant that replacements are correct. The 150°Fswitch has a red dot on the side of the brass fitting, andmust be installed closest to the combustion chamber.The 135°F switch has no dot and must be installed inthe tapping closest to the water piping connections. Water Pressure SwitchTouch the voltage probe to point 5, which is the otherterminal of the water pressure switch having a black wireis connected to it.If there is no voltage, the pressure switch contactsare open. This is almost always due to a water flowdeficiency, the most common one being a blocked waterfilter. It may be due to causes cited in the previousparagraph, however, and sometimes is due to blockageof the copper tube or mis-adjustment of the switch.Investigate thoroughly, referring to the earlier section on“Adjustment of Pressure Switch”. If there is no problemwith the pool system or pressure switch adjustment,replace the pressure switch. Temperature ControlProbe for voltage at point 6, which is the terminal of theventuri pressure switch having a yellow & black wireconnected to it. This is the switch mounted on the frameabove the blower between the vent diffuser and theventuri tailpipe. It is about 4” in diameter.