Zingui 176.3 Making recordings in Edit mode1. Open the content of a cell and select Sound in the action list.2. Tap to make a recording. The record button will turn green whilerecording.3. Tap to stop recording. The Zingui automatically gives a newrecording a name zsnd _“serialnumber”_ x, where x is a number.4. Tap to listen to the recording.5. To change the name of the recorded sound tap its filename and edit it.6. To delete the sound tap and hold its filename and select Delete file.7. Tap OK when you are ready.6.4 Noise reduction and AGC6.4.1 Noise reductionNoise reduction stands in for a reduction of surrounding noises while recording.When this option is activated, Zingui will filter out the noise to improve thequality of recording. When Noise reduction and/or AGC are activated, wait amoment before speaking and do not speak too loud.To activate Noise reduction:1. Go to Tools > Options and select Settings.The window Options appears on your screen: