325. API for Acquiring/Changing Parameters of VN-E4 _ 5.5. Alarm Environment SettingAcquiring "POP before SMTP" Setting from VN-E4Format /api/param?application.smtp.typeExample of Response application.smtp.type=pbs&200 OKInterpretation Acquire the "POP before SMTP" setting. simple is returned when this is set to off. pbs is returned when this isset to on.Allowed users admin, operator, userSetting "POP before SMTP" for VN-E4Format /api/param?application.smtp.type=dataExample /api/param?application.smtp.type=pbsExample of Response application.event.smtp.type&200 OKInterpretation Change the "POP before SMTP" setting. Specify as simple when setting to off and pbs when setting to on.Allowed users admin, operatorAcquiring POP Server Address Setting from VN-E4Format /api/param?application.pop.hostExample of Response application.pop.host= OKResponse examplewhen setting field isleft blankapplication.pop.host=&200 OKInterpretation Acquire the address setting of the POP server.Allowed users admin, operator, userSetting POP Server Address for VN-E4Format /api/param?application.pop.host=dataExample /api/param?application.pop.host= of Response application.pop.host&200 OKInterpretation Change the address setting of the POP server. Specify the IP address or FQDN. The maximum FQDN size is60 bytes. Specify as when the POP server is not set. It is also possible to leave the setting field blank asfollows./api/param?application.pop.host=%00Allowed users admin, operatorAcquiring POP Server Port Number Setting from VN-E4Format /api/param?application.pop.portExample of Response application.pop.port=110&200 OKInterpretation Acquire the port number setting of the POP server.Allowed users admin, operator, user