REMOTE CONTROL23?8915162021DESCRIPTION OF CONTROLS1. TIMER Button - Used to set the TVNCR to startrecordingat a preset time.2. INPUT Selector Button - Switches the program forviewingbetween the VCR and externalinputsoumes.3. CALL Button - Displaysthe presenttime/day of theweek, channel,counter,speed selection(and VCRmode if VCR is playing)on the "IV screen.4. TV/CAPFFEXT Button - Switches between Caption,Textand TV modes for Closed-Captionedprograms.5. REW (Rewind) Button - In the Stop mode, thisbutton rapidlywinds the tape backwards. In the Playmode, this button activates reverse seamh.6. REC Button - Press once togetherwith the PLAYbutton to start normal recording.Additionalpressesactivate InstantTimer Recording.7. MUTING Button - Press to turn off the sound. Pressagain to turn the sound back on.8, CANCEL Button - Press to cancel existingsetupsorto restoredefault values.9. ENTER Button - Press to enter selected setup.10. POWER Button - Press to turnthe TV/VCR on.Press again to turnthe TV/VCR off.11. COUNTER RESET Button - Used to resetthecounterto 00:00:00.12. RETURN Button - Switchesbetween the presentchannel and the last channel selected.13. FF (Fast Forward) Button - In the Stop mode, thisbutton rapidlywindsthe tape forward. In the Playmode, this buttonactivatesforward seamh.14. PAUSE Button - During recording,this buttontemporarilystops the tape. Duringplayback, it stopsthe tape and displaysa stillimage on the "IV screen.15. SLEEP Button - Sets the TV to turn off automaticallyalter up to 120 minutes.16, MENU Button - Press to display the On-Screen menufunction.17. SP/EP Selector Button - Sets the tape speed forrecording.18. Direct Channel Selection Buttons (0-9) - Allowsdirectaccess to any channel.19. Digital AUTO TRACKING Buttons - Allowsautomaticor manualadjustmentof trackingto minimizepicturenoiseduring playback.20. STOP Button - Press once to stop the tape.21. CHANNEL + / - Buttons - Pressthe + buttontochangeto a highernumberedchannelset intomemory.Press the - buttonto change to a lower numberedchannel set into memory.22. PROGRAM Button - Pressto confirmthe programmedtimer recordingand ON/OFF timer.23.ZERO RETURN Button - Use to stopthe tape whenthe counterreaches 00:00:00.24. PLAY Button - Pressto play a prerecordedtape.25.VOLUME + I - Buttons - Press the + button toincrease, or the - buttonto decrease the volume level.26. SET + / - Buttons - Used to selectthe optionin themenu or set timer recording,ON/OFF timer, channelset, picture adjustment, auto repeat, clock andlanguage.27