13ENGLISHSafety instructions for the Navigation SystemSAFETY INSTRUCTIONSUse of the Navigation System is only permitted if thetraffic conditions are suitable and you are absolutelysure that no risk, obstruction or inconvenience will beincurred to you, your passengers or other road users.The requirements of the Road Traffic Regulations mustalways be followed. The destination must not beentered while driving the car.The Navigation System serves solely as an aid tonavigation. It never releases the drivers from theirduties to drive carefully and to make own judgementin road traffic. Inaccurate or incorrect instructionsmay happen to be given due to changing trafficconditions. The actual road signs and traffic regulationsmust therefore always be observed. In particular,the Navigation System cannot be used as an aid toorientation when visibility is poor.This Navigation System must only be used for itsintended purpose. The volume of the car radio/Navigation System must be adjusted so that externalnoise is still audible.Navigation guidance is performed, based on thedatabase, therefore, it may not be applicable tothe current situation because of changes in trafficconditions (e.g. changes in tollroads, principal roads,one-way traffic, or other traffic regulations). In thiscase, observe the current traffic signs or regulations.• Traffic signs should be observed carefully whiledriving using the Navigation System. NavigationSystem is only an aid. Driver must always decidewhether or not to heed the information provided.JVC does not accept liability for erroneous dataprovided by the Navigation System.• Traffic guidance is restricted to passenger vehiclesonly. Special driving recommendations andregulations for other vehicles (e.g. commercialvehicles) are not included.• Do not operate the unit while driving.Terms of licenceYou are granted a non-exclusive licence to use thedatabase for your personal purposes. The presentlicence does not authorise the granting of sublicenses.Use of the data is only permitted in this specific JVCsystem. It is forbidden to extract or make further useof significant parts of the database content, or toduplicate, modify, adapt, translate, analyse, decompileor reverse-engineer any part thereof.WARNING:Road traffic regulations always take priority when avehicle is being driven in traffic. Navigation System isonly an aid. Errors may occur in individual data items/entries. At all times, the driver must decide whether ornot to heed the information provided.JVC does not accept liability for erroneous data providedby the Navigation System.© Tele Atlas BV. 2008 All rights reserved.When replacing/rotating the tyres:It is required to clear all the accumulated calibrationdata which is important for accurate navigation. Toclear the data, perform <Reset Calibration Data>.(☞ page 40)Navigation System