31Take me home: Navigate to home... nationwide:Nationwide point ofinterestSettings: Change the settings Specifying the destinationExit: Exit the navigation programStart navigation:Start navigation to thespecified destinationReturn: Return to the previouswindowShow on map: Showthe destination on themapNavigate toSave: Save thedestination in theF AVORITES listAddress: Enter a address for thenavigation Edit favoritesPoint of interest: Specify a point ofinterestDelete: Delete thedestination from theF AVORITES listRecent destinations: Select adestination from the RECENTDESTINATIONS list.Edit: Edit the entry inthe F AVORITES listFavorites: Select a destination fromthe F AVORITES list. TMCRegion: Select a country or a regionTMC-signal strength:Quality of the TMC-signalMap sectionUpdate TMC: Updatethe TMC-messages tothe latest versionNo GPS: Insufficient GPS-reception Other buttonsTMC (optional): TMC-receptionavailable or notOk: Confirmation in adialog boxEnlarge: Enlarge the scale (zoom out) Terminate: Do notconfirm in a dialog boxBlock / unblock: Block a certainroute stageCalibrate: Start thetouchscreen calibrationDay / night mode: Switch betweenthe display modesUpward: Scrollupward in a listEntire route: Show the entire routeon the mapDownward: Scrolldownward in a listMove / zoom: Moving the map withthe pointing device instead of zoomingTo the Left: Scroll tothe leftFreeze location / map: Center thelocation and move the map section orvice versaTo the Right: Scroll tothe rightReduce: Reduce the scale (zoom in)ENGLISH