73Settings windowPRODUCT INFORMATION Take the time to learn theproduct version.Run the product demoMAP INFORMATION Indicate whether points ofinterest or street names shouldbe displayed on the map.Select the navigation map thatyou would like to load. Navigationdestinations must be recorded onthe map.ROUTE INFORMATION Specify whether you want theestimated time of arrival, theremaining time to destination,and / or the remaining distance todestination to be displayed duringnavigation.SIGNPOST INFORMATION Specify whether you want thesignposts you should follow to bedisplayed during navigation.SPEED LIMIT Specify whether you want speedlimits to be displayed on the map.Configure acoustic and visualwarnings on exceeding thesespeed limits.V OLUME Set the volume of the spokendriving instructions.REPRESENTATION Calibrate the touch screen forcontact sensitivity.Select the brightness level for dayand night mode.AUTO MODE Indicate whether the navigationshould startup with 2D- or a 3D-map section.Indicate whether auto zoomshould be active (the faster youdrive the larger the map scalebecomes).Indicate whether the map shouldbe configured in a 2D-viewdriving direction or northerndirection.