JVC KV-GP10 Instructions Manual
KV-GP10LVT2371-001A[K]0412EHHMDWJEINEN, GE, FR, SP, PT, RU, CT, TH©2012 JVC KENWOOD CorporationInformation for Users on Disposal of OldEquipment and Batteries[European Union only]These symbols indicate that theproduct and the battery with thissymbol should not be disposed asgeneral household waste at its end-of-life.If you wish to dispose of this productand the battery, please do so inaccordance with applicable nationallegislation or other rules in yourcountry and municipality.By disposing of this product correctly,you will help to conserve naturalresources and will help prevent potential negativeeffects on the environment and human health.Notice:The sign Pb below the symbol for batteriesindicates that this battery contains lead.ProductsBatteryBu ürün 26891sayılı Resmi Gazete’de yayımlananElektrikli ve Elektronik Eşyalarda Bazı ZararlıMaddelerin Kullanımının SınırlandırılmasınaDair Yönetmeliğe uygun olarak üretilmiştir.Benutzerinformationen zur Entsorgungalter Geräte und Batterien[Nur Europäische Union]Diese Symbole zeigen an, dass dasdamit gekennzeichnete Produktbzw. die Batterie nicht als normalerHaushaltsabfall entsorgt werdensollen.Wenn Sie dieses Produkt und dieBatterie entsorgen möchten, halten Siesich dabei bitte an die entsprechendenLandesgesetze und andere Regelungenin Ihrem Land bzw. Ihrer Gemeinde.Die korrekte Entsorgung diesesProdukts dient dem Umweltschutz undverhindert mögliche Schäden für die Umwelt unddie menschliche Gesundheit.Hinweis:Das Zeichen Pb unterhalb des Batteriesymbols gibtan, dass diese Batterie Blei enthält.ProdukteBatterieInformations relatives à l’élimination des appareilset des piles usagés, à l’intention des utilisateurs[Union européenne seulement]Ces symboles signifient que leproduit et les piles ne doivent pasêtre éliminés en tant que déchetménager à la fin de son cycle de vie.Si vous souhaitez éliminer ce produitet les piles, faites-le conformémentà la législation nationale ou autresrègles en vigueur dans votre pays etvotre municipalité.En éliminant correctement ce produit,vous contribuez à la conservationdes ressources naturelles et à laprévention des éventuels effets négatifs surl’environnement et la santé humaine.Notification:La marque Pb en dessous du symbole des pilesindique que cette pile contient du plomb.ProduitsPileInformación para los usuarios sobre laeliminación de equipos y baterías/pilas usados[Sólo Unión Europea]Estos símbolos indican que elproducto y la batería que llevan estesímbolo no deben desecharse juntocon la basura doméstica al final de suvida útil.Si desea desechar este producto y labatería, hágalo de conformidad conla legislación nacional vigente u otrasnormativas de su país y municipio.Si desecha el producto correctamente,estará contribuyendo a conservar losrecursos naturales y a prevenir losposibles efectos negativos en el medio ambiente yen la salud de las personas.Atención:La indicación Pb debajo del símbolo de batería/pila indica que ésta contiene plomo.ProductosBaterías/pilasDeclaration of Conformity with regard tothe EMC Directive 2004/108/ECManufacturer:JVC KENWOOD Corporation3-12 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa, 221-0022, JapanEU Representative’s:JVC Technical Services Europe GmbHPostfach 10 05 0461145 FriedbergGermanyDeclaração de conformidade relativa àDirectiva EMC 2004/108/ECFabricante:JVC KENWOOD Corporation3-12 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa, 221-0022, JapanRepresentante da UE:JVC Technical Services Europe GmbHPostfach 10 05 0461145 FriedbergGermanyKonformitätserklärung in Bezug auf dieEMC-Vorschrift 2004/108/EGHersteller:JVC KENWOOD Corporation3-12 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa, 221-0022, JapanEU-Vertreter:JVC Technical Services Europe GmbHPostfach 10 05 0461145 FriedbergGermanyDéclaration de conformité se rapportant àla directive EMC 2004/108/ECFabricant:JVC KENWOOD Corporation3-12 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa, 221-0022, JapanReprésentants dans l’UE :JVC Technical Services Europe GmbHPostfach 10 05 0461145 FriedbergGermanyDeclaración de conformidad con respectoa la Directiva EMC 2004/108/CEFabricante:JVC KENWOOD Corporation3-12 Moriya-cho, Kanagawa-ku, Yokohama-shi,Kanagawa, 221-0022, JapanRepresentante en la UE:JVC Technical Services Europe GmbHPostfach 10 05 0461145 FriedbergGermanyWARNINGS• DO NOT install any unit or wire any cable in alocation where;– it may obstruct the steering wheel and gearshiftlever operations, as this may result in a trafficaccident.– it may obstruct the operation of safety devicessuch as air bags, as this may result in a fatalaccident.– it may obstruct visibility.WARNHINWEISE• Installieren Sie keine Komponenten und verdrahtenSie Kabel NICHT an den folgenden Orten;– an denen sie die Bewegungen des Lenkrads unddes Ganghebels behindern könnten. Anderenfallsführt diese Behinderung möglicherweise zuernsten Verkehrsunfällen.– an denen sie den Betrieb von Sicherheitseinrichtungen, z.B. Airbags, behindernkönnten. Anderenfalls führt diese Behinderungmöglicherweise zu ernsten Verkehrsunfällen.– an denen sie die Sicht behindern.AVERTISSEMENTS• N’INSTALLEZ aucun appareil ni aucun câbledans un endroit où:– où il peut gêner l’accès au volant ou au levierde vitesse car cela peut entraîner un accidentde la circulation.– où il peut gêner la manipulation de dispositifsde sécurité tels que les airbags car cela peutentraîner un accident fatal.– où il peut gêner la visibilité.ADVERTENCIAS• NO instale ningún receptor o tienda ningún cableen una ubicación donde;– Donde pueda obstruir la maniobra del volantede dirección y del cambio de engranajes, con elconsiguiente riesgo de accidentes de tráfico.– Donde pueda obstruir el funcionamiento dedispositivos de seguridad tales como bolsas deaire, pues podría resultar en un accidente fatal.– Donde pueda obstruir la visibilidad.Informação para os utilizadores acerca daeliminação de equipamento usado e pilhas[Apenas para a União Europeia]Estes símbolos indicam que oproduto e a pilha que tiverem estesímbolo não devem ser descartadosda mesma forma que outrosaparelhos domésticos, no fim dasua vida de utilização.Se pretender descartar-se desteproduto e da pilha, por favor faça-ode acordo com a legislação nacionalaplicável ou outras regras em vigorno seu país ou município.Ao eliminar este produto da formacorrecta, ajudará a conservarrecursos naturais e ajudará a evitar potenciaisefeitos negativos no ambiente e saúde humana.Aviso:O sinal Pb abaixo do símbolo para pilhas indicaque esta pilha contém chumbo.[][только Европейсий Союз] [สำหรับใช้ในสหภาพยุโรปเท่านั้น]ProdutosPilhaAVISOS• NÃO instalar nenhuma unidade nem ligarnenhum fio em locais onde;– pode obstruir movimentos com o volante emanete de mudanças, o que pode provocar umacidente de viação.– pode obstruir a operação de dispositivosde segurança como airbags, por exemplo, eprovocar um acidente de viação fatal.– possa obstruir o seu campo de visão.•;–––คำเตือน• ห้ามติด ตั้ง อุปกรณ์หรือสายเคเบิล ใดๆ ใน บริเวณนี้;– อาจกีดขวางการทำงานของพวงมาลัยและคันเกียร์ เพราะอาจก่อให้เกิดอุบัติเหตุขึ้น– อาจกีดขวางการทำงานของอุปกรณ์ป้องกันความปลอดภัย เช่นแอร์แบคเพราะอาจก่อให้เกิดอันตรายร้ายแรงถึงชีวิตขึ้นได้– อาจกีดขวางสายตาПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ• НЕ устанавливайте устройства и непрокладывайте провода в местах, где:– оно может помешать рулевому управлениюи переключению передач.– оно может помешать функционированиюсредств безопасности, например,пневмоподушкам.– может ухудшиться обзор.DEUTSCH FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOLENGLISHGPS antenna: INSTRUCTIONSGPS-Antenne: BEDIENUNGSANLEITUNGAntenne GPS: INSTRUCTIONSAntena GPS: INSTRUCCIONESAntena GPS: INSTRUÇÕESАнтенна GPS: ИНСТРУКЦИИ ПО ЭКСПЛУАТАЦИИเสาอากาศ GPS คำแนะนำPORTUGUÊS РУCCKИЙ ไทยTHIS DEVICE COMPLIES WITH PART 15 OF THE FCC RULES. OPERATION IS SUBJECT TOTHE FOLLOWING TWO CONDITIONS:(1) THIS DEVICE MAY NOT CAUSE HARMFUL INTERFERENCE, AND (2) THIS DEVICE MUSTACCEPT ANY INTERFERENCE RECEIVED, INCLUDING INTERFERENCE THAT MAY CAUSEUNDESIRED OPERATION.FCC WARNINGThis equipment may generate or use radio frequency energy. Changes or modifications to thisequipment may cause harmful interference unless the modifications are expressly approved in theinstruction manual. The user could lose the authority to operate this equipment if an unauthorizedchange or modification is made.FCC NOTEThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device,pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protectionagainst harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment may cause harmfulinterference to radio communications, if it is not installed and used in accordance with the instructions.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If thisequipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determinedby turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one ormore of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help. |
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