KS-FX2011-10Raise the part k of the reel base assembly slightlyand remove the selector link (B) on the front side ofthe cassette mechanism assembly by turning it asshown in Fig.10.Remove the three screws E and the one screw Fon the underside of the cassette mechanismassembly.1.2.Removing the reel base assembly(See Fig.5 and 6)Prior to performing the following procedure, removethe cassette hanger / cassette holder.From the upper side of the cassette mechanismassembly, remove the C washer from each shaft ofthe flywheel (BF) and (BR).Turn over the cassette mechanism assembly andremove the main belt. Pull out the flywheel (BF) and(BR) downward respectively.1.2.Removing the Flywheel (BF) and (BR)assembly (See Fig.4 and 5)The reel base assembly is notrepairable. Handle with care.ATTENTION:Selector link (B).Inside of the reel base assemblyReel disc assemblyFlywheel (BF)Flywheel (BR)EEEFGGMain-beltReel base assemblySub-beltMotor assemblyMotor pulleySolding jFig.4Fig.5Fig.6Fig.7C washerC washerPinch-roller (R) assemblyTurn the selector link (B).k