113TroubleshootingSymptoms Causes/RemediesMusic server• Sound does not come out whilecopying music files.This is not a malfunction.• Sound does not come out in the mapscreen while recording a CD.This is not a malfunction.• Cannot change the source whilerecording/copying.This is not a malfunction. If you want to enjoyanother source, cancel recording/copying andchange the source.• Edited track name is not displayed. Tag information instead of the track name isdisplayed. Set Tag Display to Off to display thetrack name. (☞ [91])• No Music appears on the monitor. No track is stored in the HDD.• No Track or No Album appears onthe monitor.The selected item contains no tracks/albums.Select another.• Cannot record tracks over. orCannot copy tracks over. appearson the monitor.The selected album is full. Select another album.• Record only xx/XX tracks. orCopy only xx/XX tracks. appearson the monitor.The selected album cannot contain all thetracks you wanted to record/copy. Press ENT tocontinue recording/copying, or press BACK toselect another album.• Move only xx/XX tracks? orMove only xx/XX albums?appears on the monitor.The selected album/genre cannot contain all theitems you wanted to move. Press ENT to continuemoving the items, or press BACK to selectanother album/genre.• HDD Full, Track Full, AlbumFull, or Genre Full appears on themonitor.The capacity of the target storage you haveselected is already full. Delete the unwanted itemsin the target storage to make an enough space.• Write Error/Read Error appearsand CD recording is canceled.Recording is failed due to the external influencessuch as vibration, shaking of the car. Try to recordonce more while driving on a paved road. If thetrouble still persist, consult your dealer.• SCMS Cannot Copy appears. You have tried to copy non-original disc. Copy itsoriginal disc.• Not Supported appears on themonitor.The format of the track is not supported.• Not Playable appears on themonitor.The selected track does not exist in the HDD.