41How traffic information is reflected innavigationIf Bypass Traffic is set to Manual Reroute(☞ [44]), [Reroute] appears on the screen whenthe traffic service informs the System of trafficaccidents or congestion ahead on your route.To check the information and decide whetherto calculate a detour[Hold]If Bypass Traffic is set to Auto Reroute,the System automatically calculates a new routewhen the traffic service informs of an obstacleon your route.If Bypass Traffic is set to Off, the Systemdoes not take traffic information into account incalculating a route.Traffic information on map3To subscribe to the service• Start a free trial before subscribing to theservice.1 Call up Setup Menu.2 Setup]System Setting]Traffic Subscription3 Activate your subscription.Access on theInternet and get your PIN code.• The serial number written down in step 2is required to get the PIN code.• Keep your PIN code for future reference.4 Setup]System Setting]Traffic Subscription5 Call up the registration screen.6 Input the PIN code.7 Select Finish.• PIN code error. appears if you enter awrong PIN code. Check your PIN codeand input correct one.Traffic SubscriptionStart free trial for 3 months.Press ENT to start.[Three times]Subscribing to traffic serviceTo start a free trialThis unit includes a three-month free trial ofthe traffic service.1 Call up Setup Menu.2 Setup]System Setting]Traffic SubscriptionTraffic SubscriptionSerial No.:1234567890Expiration date:10/04/2008 [Free]SubscribeWrite down theserial number.[Three times]PIN code:Reroute