48Title & Chapter Menu SettingsEnding the Editing of Chapter MenusOnce all of the necessary changes and checks have been made using the THUMBNAIL EDIT screen, title closing must be carriedout.Please ensure that title closing is performed as the last stage of chapter menu editing.Even if the chapter menu is to be left unchanged, title closing must be carried out to leave the THUMBNAIL EDIT screen. Note thatwhen title closing has been completed, chapter menu details will be permanently set.1. Select TITLE CLOSE from the THUMBNAIL EDIT screen and pressthe SET button.● A confirmation window will appear.2. If you wish to proceed with title closing, select YES and then pressthe SET button.● Title closing will begin. The state of progress during title closing is displayedusing a progress bar.TITLE CLOSE When title closing has been completed, the progress bar will disappear.1.2.Select NO and then pressthe SET button to close theconfirmation window.The title will not be closedin this case.Notes● A maximum of 10 minutes will be required to complete title closing.● If EDIT MENU from the DVD MENU screen is set to DISABLE, title closingwill be carried out automatically whenever recording is ended by, for example,pressing the STOP button. In such a case, title and chapter menus are createdusing preset settings.aprilAAA BBBB CCCDDD EEE FFFTITLE CLOSECHAPTER MENU TEXT LOAD TEMP LOADTHUMBNAIL EDITaprilAAA BBBB CCCTITLE CLOSECHAPTER MENU TEXT LOAD TEMP LOADTHUMBNAIL EDITTITLE CLOSEYES NO49Changing & Checking Title Menu Styles & NamesIf EDIT MENU from the DVD MENU screen is set to ENABLE, the TITLE MENU EDIT screen will be displayed upon disc finalizing.Using this screen, it will be possible to change the title menu’s display style, to enter title names, and to confirm that the title andchapter menus are as required.● Thumbnail of the title menu will be the top thumbnail of the chapter menu.Opening the TITLE MENU EDIT ScreenSettingsProcedureSet EDIT MENU from the DVD MENU screen to ENABLE.The TITLE MENU EDIT screen will be displayed when finalizing of the disc isstarted.Changing the Display Style1. Select PRESET STYLE from the TITLE MENU EDIT screen andpress the SET button.● The PRESET STYLE screen will appear.2. To change the display PATTERN;Select TITLE PATTERN and then press the SET button.For more details regarding the editing procedure, refer to page 36.* The TITLE PATTERN changed here is also reflected in DVD MENU of the SETUPMENU.FINALIZEPRESET STYLETITLE MENU PREVIEWEXITTITLE TEXT INPUTTITLE MENUTITLE MENU EDIT screenFINALIZEPRESET STYLETITLE MENU PREVIEWEXITTITLE TEXT INPUTTITLE MENUTITLE MENU EDIT screenBACK TYPE 1TITLE PATTERN 1PRESET STYLEPRESET STYLE screen1.2.