![JVC Arsenal KS-AR8001D Specifications Manual pdf 1 page image](https://manuals-archive2.s3.amazonaws.com/5226674/f401be4e924b9df907e9fa2a2812c5741f.jpg)
AmplifiersKS-AR8000 SeriesKey BenefitsKS-AR8002DBridgeable Digital 2-Channel Power AmplifierKS-AR8004DBridgeable Digital 4-Channel Power AmplifierKS-AR8001DDigital Mono Power AmplifierArsenal’s ultra compact digital amplifiers allow various styles of installation. With speedy processing systems andless signal distortions, the digital amplifiers faithfully reproduce the original sound.700W RMS(AR8001D) Full RangeClass-D FlexibleInstallation Large RotaryControlsCompactDesign800W Max.(AR8001D)Large Rotary Controls with Easy AccessLarge and easy-to-use controlsbehind the top cover.Various Styles of Installation- Amplifier for flexibleinstallation- Removable logo plate forvertical or horizontalplacement. Vertical Behind Seat(Standalone installationnot possible)Vertical Wallwith BoardHorizontal/Cascade StackingHorizontal HangingVirtical Wall with BordHorizontal Under Seat Horizontal/Cascade Stacking- Input RCA Terminal- Output RCA Terminal(Pass Through)- Gold-Plated Block Terminal(45° Angle Mount)* Power - 4AWG * Speaker Out - 8AWG- Variable Bass Boost (0-18dB)Other Main FeaturesThe Innovations Design andEngineering Award is basedupon descriptive materialssubmitted to the judges. CEA didnot verify the accuracy of anysubmission or of any claimsmade and did not test the item towhich the award was given.