48Color ManagementThis TV supports the Color Management function to ensure dull colors are compensated toproduce natural hues.Press the MENU buttonπ† To "Picture Adjust"√® To enterπ† To "Color Management"√® To enterπ† To set "On" or "Off"Press the MENU button when finishedC o l o r M a n a g e m e n tO nO f fPicture AdjustDynamic GammaJVC's Dynamic Gamma Circuitry (DGC) makes it easier to see dark areas when a picture hasmany dark areas, and makes it easier to see the bright areas when a picture has many brightareas. DGC is turned on, DGC analyzes and adjusts the total levelof picture brightness balance, especially in dark areas where thelevel of grayscale is often lost, turning completely to black DGCautomatically enhances the detail in these dark areas providinga more dynamic image with finer detail, so the optimum picturesettings are automatically set for each picture. Normally use withDGC on.Press the MENU buttonπ† To "Picture Adjust"√® To enterπ† To "Dynamic Gamma"√® To enterπ† To set "On" or "Off"Press the MENU button when finishedD y n a m i c G a m m aO nO f fSmart PictureSmart Picture detects the APL (Average Picture Level) and adjusts the contrast suitable forwhat you are watching.Press the MENU buttonπ† To "Picture Adjust"√® To enterπ† To "Smart Picture"√® To enterπ† To set "On" or "Off"Press the MENU button when finishedNote:• When you have "Dynamic" selected in the "Video Status", Smart Picture is not selected.S m a r t P i c t u r eO nO f f