28INTERVAL CAPTUREThe Interval Capture mode is best suited forcapturing images at set intervals from a videosource unit with a JLIP connector.VIDEO CAPTURE (cont.)Preparation•Make sure all units are properly connected(Z p. 12).•Insert a tape into the video source unit.Click "Image Format" in "Set-up" and select"Field Picture" in the Capture Mode.(Z p. 30).1 Open the menu bar and click "Set-up" —"Capture Mode" — "Automatic".•The "Automatic Transfer" windowappears.2 Select the data to be transferred.•When you select "Index Image", indeximage data (80 x 60 pixels) is transferredto your computer.•When you select "Index & Full Image",both index image data (80 x 60 pixels)and full image data (768 x 552 pixels) aretransferred to the computer.3 Select "Interval Capture".4 Set the interval.•Select the time interval at which picturesare captured.5 Set the number of pictures to be capturedand click "OK".•From 1 up to 996 Click "Window" — "VCR" to call up theVCR Operation Window. Start videoplayback a few seconds prior to the pointwhere you want image capturing to start.7 Operate the video source unit via the VCROperation window and click the "Transfer"button at the desired picture.1. The message "No. 1 index image beingtransferred." appears while the index imagedata is being transferred to the computer.2. When you select "Index & Full Image" instep 2, the message "No. 1 full image beingtransferred." appears while the full imagedata is being transferred to the computer.3. The message "Index No. 2 being scanned."appears while the video data are fast-forwarded and played at the time intervalsset in step 4 to scan the video data on theVCR.• The image selected when "Transfer" isclicked is captured and subsequent imagesare captured at the time interval specifiedby the counter value selected in step 4.• The video source unit enters the Pausemode when capture is complete.Set-upCapture ModeImage FormatDevice ChangeInitializeID ChangeCounter ResetStep by StepAutomatic00:01:23:12FIVCRCaptureTransferNOTES:•Make sure that enough hard disk space isavailable on your computer beforeexecuting video transfer.For full image data space requirements,Z p. 24.•Transfer of index image data/full imagedata starts at the image box bordered ingreen.Click and select the desired image box.•When transferring full image data usingthe Bitmap image format (9.bmp), thetransfer takes a very long time, causingthe video source unit to stop playbackautomatically.