5Dolby Pro-LogicÒ Surround Processor/Amplifier/Subwoofer SUB333Left FrontTVOPTICALRight LeftCenterRight FrontRemote SensorCOAXIALTVAUXCOAXIALOPTICALRight SurroundLeft SurroundFRONTSPEAKERSSURROUNDSPEAKERSRIGHTCENTERLEFTRIGHTLEFTAC POWERON / STANDBYOFFREMOTE SENSORINPUTRIGHTAUX(Additional Audio Source)Audio OutputRight LeftANALOGINPUTSDIGITALINPUTSDigital Source ADVD or CDDigital OutputDigital Source BDVD or CDDigital OutputLEFTESC333 SPEAKER, SOURCE & REMOTE SENSOR CONNECTIONSABOUT DOLBY DIGITALThe ESC333 features Dolby Digital (also unofficially knownas AC-3) multichannel signal processing, a systemdeveloped by Dolby Laboratories.Dolby Digital, unlike “matrixed” systems (such as Dolby ProLogic) that derive and decode multichannel sound from twochannels of sound, is capable of delivering information forone subwoofer and five full-range channels as discrete andindividual channels in digital AC-3 data format from sourcessuch as a DVD player. The result is clear and accuratedigital sound to each speaker, along with availability ofstereo-surround effects (Dolby Pro Logic features monosurrounds).Dolby Digital is capable of delivering several differentformats of surround sound, the most robust one being the5.1-channel mode, which provides separate signals for fivesatellite speakers as well as for a subwoofer. The ESC333features a “5.1-Ch” indicator that illuminates when a DolbyDigital 5.1-channel encoded signal is present. Dolby Digitalcan also provide other AC-3 digital multichannel signals, aswell as 2-channel signals, which can be decoded via DolbyPro Logic processing into multichannel surround sound. Inthe latter case, both the Dolby Pro Logic and Dolby Digitalindicators will illuminate in the ESC333 display.