SCSSAT300SURROUND CINEMASPEAKERSOWNER’S GUIDE®INCLUDEDTHANK YOU FOR CHOOSING JBLFor more than 50 years, JBLhas been involved in everyaspect of music and filmrecording and reproduction,from live performances to therecordings you play in yourhome, car or office.We’re confident that the JBLsystem you have chosen willprovide every note of enjoy-ment that you expected – andthat when you think aboutpurchasing additional audioequipment for your home, caror office, you will once againchoose JBL.Please take a moment toregister your product on ourWeb site at enables us to keep youposted on our latest advance-ments, and helps us to betterunderstand our customersand build products that meettheir needs and expectations.JBL Consumer ProductsOne satellite for use as left, right,surround or surround back.Wall-mount bracket. Shelf stand.One 12m (40') speaker cable.