-13-SurroundUse this mode for filmsrecorded using Dolby Digitalor Dolby Pro Logic Surround.PhantomThis mode creates surroundsound from stereo recordings.The center channel is notused and the surround chan-nels have a 20-ms delay.3-Stereo ModeUse this mode to play backPro Logic-encoded films whenyou do not want the surroundchannels to play.StereoThis mode plays a recordingin traditional two-channelstereo.Surround ModesThe Test Tone is used tocalibrate the volume settingsof each of the speakers in theESC333. It is dependent on theroom where the system is setup and the relative distancesand positions of each speakerto the listening position. InDolby Digital mode, a static-like noise will be heardcycling, in order: left front,center, right front, rightsurround, left surround,subwoofer. In modes otherthan Dolby Digital, the soundfrom the two surrounds willbe coming at the same time,since the surrounds in allavailable modes, except inDolby Digital, are in mono.When the Test Tone is heardcoming from a specificchannel, pressing theAdjustment +/– (11) buttonswill increase or decrease thelevel of sound coming fromthat channel. The displaystatus-bar indicator (27)provides visual indication ofthe adjustment as the adjust-ment is being made. Thedefault adjustment level of0 dB is indicated by five status-bar indicators illuminated.If adjustments are done in amode where a certain channelis not available, the adjust-ment step for that channel isskipped. For example, inPhantom mode, the center-channel level cannot beadjusted since Phantom doesnot have a center channel. Instereo, neither the center northe surround levels can beadjusted since Stereo does notfeature surround speakers or acenter speaker.Using the remote control,adjust each channel’s levelsuntil the volume of all thespeakers is the same duringthe test. To make sure allchannels are properly adjusted,do the test twice, once inDolby Digital (Dolby Digital isautomatically selected whenthe ESC333 is connected to aDVD player’s digital output,that specific digital input isselected, and the DVD player isplaying Dolby Digital-encodedmaterial) and once again inDolby Pro Logic.Note: The Test Tone is usedto calibrate the systemto reproduce all programmaterials at the correctrelative levels, as was deter-mined by the recording engi-neers. When listening to actualsurround-encoded programmaterial, the volume levelof the surround channels isgenerally lower than that ofthe front channels. In fact,virtually all of the dialogueand a substantial number ofthe effects in a movie arereproduced through the centerchannel.Test Tone