19Variable Boundary Gain CompensationVariable Boundary Gain Compensation is a filter which can compensate for basspeaking which typically starts around 60Hz and increases downwards. At first,this effect sounds superficially impressive, but listen to music for any length oftime and it becomes “boomy” and rather annoying. The effect commonly occursin smaller rooms and when your listening position is near to a wall, hence thename Boundary Gain Compensation.As with phase adjustment, we recommend you play music or the test frequencyfiles from www.Jamo.com and have a friend turn the Variable Boundary GainCompensation control, while you sit in the listening area. Then simply adjust itso that when the bass hits the lowest frequencies, there aren’t any detectablebass peaks.CleaningPlease use a dust-free cloth to clean the speakers. It is also possible to use a slightlydamp cloth for more stubborn marks.Under no circumstances should you use any kind of cleaning agent on, or in closeproximity to, these speakers.