Customer & Serial Commands 39TM/TMC/RM/RMC-9730CLTable 8 16 Bytes Status ReportByte 1 MGCL (1 byte) -- CDS GainByte 2 Vtop(1 byte) -- A/D reference voltage TopByte 3 Vbtm(1 byte) -- A/D reference voltage BottomByte 4 XA1 (1 byte) -- X-Coordinate of right knee for table AByte 5 YA1 (1 byte) -- Y-Coordinate of right knee for table AByte 6 XA2 (1 byte) -- X-Coordinate of right knee for table AByte 7 YA2 (1 byte) -- Y-Coordinate of right knee for table AByte 8 XB1 -- X-Coordinate of left knee for table BByte 9 YB1 -- Y-Coordinate of left knee for table BByte 10 XB2 -- X-Coordinate of left knee for table BByte 11 YB2 -- Y-Coordinate of left knee for table BByte 12 FUNCFLAG1 (1 byte) -- function flag #1Byte 13 FUNCFLAG2 (1 byte) -- function flag #2Byte 14 SHTRNUM (1 byte) -- current shutter numberByte 15, 16 SHTRVAL (2 byte) -- manual/direct shutter valueTable 9 Function Flag Description 1BIT 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0FUNC-FLAG #1LOGAVG=0-Linear Avg1-Log AvgALCFLG=0=Off,1-OnBLMFLGBlemishCompensation=0-Off, 1-OnResv SHTR2FLGSHTR1FLGMSEL2FLGMSEL1FLGSHTR2FLG (Bit3) -- 00 - (0) no shutter, 01 - (1) normal shutterSHTR1FLG (Bit2) -- 10 - (2) direct shutter, 11- (3) async shutterMSEL2FLG (Bit1) -- 00 - (0) normal scan, 01 - (1) partial scan #1 (optional)MSEL1FLG (Bit0) -- 10 - (0) normal scan, #2 (optional), 11-(3) two-row scan