AM-800CL / AB-800CL- 8 -2. Camera nomenclatureThe standard camera composition consists of the camera main body and lens protection cap.The camera is available in the following versions:AM-800CL-CAM-800CL-FWhere A stands for "Advanced" family, M stands for "Monochrome", 800 represents the resolution "8million pixel" , CL stands for "Camera Link" interface and C for C-mount lens or F for F-mount lensAB-800CL-CAB-800CL-FWhere A stands for "Advanced" family, B stands for "Bayer mosaic color", 800 represents theresolution "8 million pixel" , CL stands for "Camera Link" interface and C for C-mount lens or F forF-mount lens3. Main features C3 Advanced series 4/3 ” progressive scan camera Monochrome and Bayer mosaic color versions 3296 (h) x 2472 (v) active pixels 5μm square pixels 57dB or more S/N 8-bit, 10-bit or 12-bit output for monochrome and Bayer or 8-bit output RGB color 17 frames/second with full resolution in continuous operation for monochrome or Bayeroutput 8.5 frames/second for AB-800CL RGB output (in-camera interpolation) Various readout modes, horizontal and vertical binning (AM-800CL only) and AOI (Area OfInterest) modes for faster frame rate -3dB to +24dB gain control for AM-800CL and 0dB to +24dB for AB-800CL 10μs (1/100,000) to 2 seconds exposure control in 1μs step ( Exposure/Timed control mode) Timed ,trigger width for exposure control, Trigger-dump (RCT) and PIV modes for specific applications Auto gain control Various pre-processing circuits are providedProgrammable LUTGamma correction from 0.45 to 1.0Flat Field CorrectionBayer white balance with manual or one-push auto (AB-800CL only)Bayer color interpolation (AB-800CL only)Blemish compensation Test pattern signal generator is built in Auto iris lens video output with H-sync Choice of lens mounts offered: C-mount or F-mount Setup by Windows XP/Vista/7 via serial communication