253) Key, LED Indicator and Sound Alarm Functionsa) Control Panel Key FunctionsOperating ModeKey On Line Mode Off Line ModeOn/Off Line The printer/host connection isactiveThe printer/host connection isinactive and the Self-Test andConfiguration menus can beaccessed.This key stops the sound alarmand clears the error messagedisplayed (if the problem hasbeen solved).Press this key repeatedly toremove the blank mediathrough the rear feed slot fromthe inside of the printer.ResetSelf-Test and Configuration menus: depending on the situation,this key selects the next menu, the next parameter or the nextalphanumeric digit.InactiveThis key gives access to theprinter Self-Test andConfiguration menus.TestSelf-Test and Configuration menus: this key selects thefollowing parameter and confirms the current parameter.This key ejects a blankdocument and correctlypositions the followingdocument for printing. It ispossible to inhibit this functionfrom the Configuration menu(see IER 506 Printer TechnicalManual).Paper FeedSelf-Test and Configuration menus: depending on the situation,this key selects the previous menu, the previous parameter orthe previous alphanumeric digit.