EDGE-ZERO TREMOLO / ZR2 TREMOLOThe Ibanez Edge Zero or ZR2 Tremolo is a double locking tremolo that features the zeropoint system that keeps the tremolo unit flat (at the zero point). This system eliminatesthe hassle of tuning, which is a shortcoming of the floating tremolo, providing a morecomfortable playing experience. The Edge-Zero uses knife edge and ZR2 uses ball-bearings for pivots.Attaching the tremolo armThe tremolo arm can be inserted and removed easily. Be sure to insert the tremolo arminto the arm socket (Fig. 1 A) and push it down firmly until the arm snaps into place (Fig. 2).The torque of the tremolo arm is adjusted with the torque adjustment cap (Fig. 3). Turningthe cap clockwise will tighten the arm torque, and turning the screw counterclockwise willloosen the arm torque.CautionBe sure to fully loosen the torque adjustment cap before attaching the tremoloarm.Adjusting tremolo angle and Zero Point SystemThe angle of the tremolo is adjusted by the balance between the tension of the stringsand the zero point system installed on the back side of the guitar body. The Edge-Zeroand ZR2 tremolo are designed so that the tremolo unit sits roughly parallel to the surfaceof the guitar body by adjusting the zero point system correctly. This ensures optimalperformance. Tuning is completed when the zero point system is adjusted to the correctposition. If the tremolo is roughly parallel to the surface of the body, the stop rod contactsthe tremolo block and the stopper.To adjust the angle of the tremolo, turn the spring adjustment knob (Fig. 4 B) on the backside of the guitar. If the stop rod (Fig. 5 C) does not contact the stopper (Fig. 5 D) (or thetremolo is tilted forward) while the guitar is tuned correctly, turn the spring adjustmentknob clockwise to tighten the spring. If the tremolo block (Fig. 5 E) does not contact thestop rod (or the tremolo is tilted backward), turn the spring adjustment knob counter-clockwise to loosen the spring.OK NGFig. 2Fig. 3BFig. 4AFig. 1ECDFig. 5