PAGE 21. GENERAL OVERVIEW OF YOUR WHEELCHAIRWarningTo guarantee safe use, ensure your wheelchair is kept in goodworking condition.2. SAFETY REGULATIONS1.2 Explanation of the function and possibilities of your wheelchairThis I-GO wheelchair is a lightweight basic wheelchair, equipped with handles to helpyour attendant push the wheelchair if necessary. The armrests of this wheelchair canbe folded away, the leg rests can be swung away to the side and can be removed. Thefootrests fold upwards to help with folding the wheelchair. The foot plates are heightadjustable. The wheelchair is fitted with 7” front wheels and 12” rear wheels. The rearwheels can be removed using the quick-release system.2.1 General safety guidelinesCheck your I-GO wheelchair regularly. Dangerous situations can occur when a part ofyour wheelchair is not functioning properly.2.2 Warnings for safe useI-GO disclaims any responsibility for any injury or property damage which occurs as aresult of any use which does not comply with laws or ordinances. When used correctlythis I-GO wheelchair is a safe and stable product. However, incorrect use can result ininjury to the user or damage to the wheelchair.Warning» Not following the instructions in this manual may result in damage to thewheelchair or injuries to the user.» Avoid travelling on roads with the wheelchair. Use pavements wherepossible.» Do not take the wheelchair on wet and slippery surfaces or surfaces withlittle grip, or on rough terrain or sand.» Do not use the wheelchair if any of the parts or elements of the wheelchairare not functioning correctly.» This wheelchair is not suitable as a seat in a motor vehicle.