OPERATING PROCEDURES60PARKINGThe operator must never leave a lift truck in a condition sothat it can cause damage and injury. When parking the lifttruck, do the following operations:1. Stop the lift truck and apply the parking brake.2. Fully lower the forks, carriage or attachment. Tilt mastforward until the tips of the forks touch the ground.3. On units with a direction control lever, put the controllever for the transmission in NEUTRAL.4.Turn the key switch to OFF to stop the engine.5. If the lift truck must be left on an incline, put blocks onthe down hill side of the wheels so that the lift truck cannot move.6. Check engine compartment if operating in areas con-taining combustible material. (See page 29, FIRE HAZ-ARD)If the lift truck is equipped with an LPG fuel system and isparked more than momentarily, close the fuel valve at thetank. If the lift truck is going to be left over night or longer,the truck must be parked outside or the LPG tank must beremoved and stored outside.Do not park the lift truck so that it limits access to fireaisles, stairways, and fire equipment.Property of American Airlines