8SHOULDERBOLTADJUSTINGBARPINRETAINER SPRINGFIG. 5GAUGEWHEEL 3/8-16 CENTERLOCKNUTASSEMBLY3/8 WASHER• For ease of mower to tractor assembly, raise gaugewheels to highest position and retain with clevis pins andspring retainers.• Adjust gauge wheels before operating mower. See “TOADJUST GAUGE WHEELS” in the Operation section ofthis manual.INSTALL MOWER AND DRIVE BELT (SeeFigs. 6 and 7)Be sure tractor is on level surface and mower suspensionarms are raised with attachment lift control. Engage parkingbrake.• Cut and remove ties securing anti-sway bar and belts.Swing anti-sway bar to left side of mower deck.• Slide mower under tractor with deflector shield to rightside of tractor.IMPORTANT: Check belt for proper routing in all mowerpulley grooves.• If equipped, turn height adjustment knob counterclock-wise until it stops.• Lower mower linkage with attachment lift control.• Be sure belt tension rod is in disengaged position.• Install belt into electric clutch pulley groove.• Place the suspension arms on outward pointing deckpins. Retain with double loop retainer spring with loopsup as shown.• Install front plate assembly to tractor suspension brack-ets and retain with single loop retainer springs as shown.• Position front plate assembly between front mowerbrackets. Raise deck and plate assembly to align holesand insert flanged pins. Secure pins with double loopretainer springs between the plate assembly and mowerbrackets.NOTE: To assist in locating hole in flanged pin, the hole inpin is inline with notch on head of pin.If necessary, movemower side-to-side to give space between plate and mowerbrackets.IMPORTANT: Check belt for proper routing in all mowerpulley grooves. Engage belt tension rod by pushing rod intolocking bracket.• Engage belt tension rod by pushing rod into lockingbracket.CAUTION: Belt tension rod is springloaded. Have a tight grip on rod andengage slowly.•. Connect anti-sway bar to chassis bracket under leftfootrest and retain with double loop retainer spring.• If equipped, turn height adjustment knob clockwise toremove slack from mower suspension.• Raise deck to highest position.• Adjust gauge wheels before operating mower as shownin the Operation section of this manual.ANTI-SWAYBARSINGLELOOPRETAINERSPRINGSGAUGEWHEELSUSPENSIONARMSDOUBLE LOOPRETAINERSPRINGFRONTSUSPENSIONBRACKETSFRONTPLATEASSEMBLYCHASSISBRACKETDOUBLE LOOP RETAINERSPRING (OUTWARDPOINTING DECK PINS)ELECTRIC CLUTCHPULLEYDEFLECTORSHIELDUSE PLIERS FORRETAINER SPRINGSLOOP UPFIG. 6FRONTMOWERBRACKETBELT TENSIONROD(DISENGAGEDPOSITION)LOCKBRACKETFLANGED PINDOUBLE LOOPRETAINERSPRING