Heat setting Use to: Time(min)Hints4. - 5. Steam potatoes. 20 - 60 Use max. ¼ l of water for 750 gof potatoes.4. - 5. Cook larger quantities of food,stews and soups.60 - 150 Up to 3 l of liquid plus ingredi-ents.5. - 7 Gentle fry: escalope, veal cor-don bleu, cutlets, rissoles,sausages, liver, roux, eggs,pancakes, doughnuts.as nec-essaryTurn halfway through.7 - 8 Heavy fry, hash browns, loinsteaks, steaks.5 - 15 Turn halfway through.9 Boil water, cook pasta, sear meat (goulash, pot roast), deep-fry chips.Boil large quantities of water. PowerBoost is activated.6.5 Hints and Tips forHob²HoodWhen you operate the hob with thefunction:• Protect the hood panel from directsunlight.• Do not spot halogen light on thehood panel.• Do not cover the hob panel.• Do not interrupt the signal betweenthe hob and the hood (for examplewith a hand or a cookware handle).See the picture.The hood in the picture is onlyexemplary.Other remotely controlledappliances may block thesignal. Do not use anyremotely controlledappliances at the time whenyou use the function on thehob.Cooker hoods with the Hob²HoodfunctionTo find the full range of cooker hoodswhich work with this function refer to ourconsumer website.ENGLISH 15