MENU SYSTEMEnglish – 13Menu system explanationCONNECT UNIT (1)This image is shown if the power unit is not connected toany tool. Connect the intended tool. When the intendedtool is connected, the start screen (2) is displayed. Pressthe menu button to start the settings (3) and service (4)menus.Image (1) will be displayed if the WS220 is connected tothe unit but the accompanying remote control has not yetbeen connected.Electronic gearAn illustration will be displayed when operating theDM650 showing the selected electronic gear (23), currentrpm for mechanical gears 1 and 2, and recommendedbore diameter for these gears (24). The current feederload (25) of the drill will also be shown.SETTINGS (4)The ”Settings” menu consists of sub-menus, which in turnconsist of a number of part menus.RUN TIME (11)Run timeTIME COUNTER (16)On activation, a stop-watch is started to count the time thetool is active.CLEAR RUNTIME (17)Used to reset the stop-watch.CURRENT RUN TIME (18)Current running time.TIME AND DATE (12)Set time and date.SET TIME (19)State the current time.SET DATE (20)State the current date.TIME FORMAT (21)Select the required time format. Choose from betweenthe following options:• 12 h• 24 hDATE FORMAT (22)Select the required date format. Choose from betweenthe following options:• YYYY-MM-DD• YYYY/DD/MM• DD/MM/YYYYLANGUAGE 13)Select the required display language.FACTORY SETTINGS (15)Resetting to factory defaults:SERVICE (4)SERVICEERROR LOG (5)List of errors (9)TOTAL RUNTIME (6)The machine’s total operating time is displayed.VOLTAGE (7)Connected input voltage of the machine.PRODUCT INFO (8)Information about the unit and the connected tool isshown (10).