24OPERATIONRead the Safety section and the following pages ifyou are unfamiliar with the machine.TrainingDue to unique steering capabilities, zero turn mowersare far more maneuverable than typical ridingmowers.This section should be reviewed in its entirety prior toattempting to move the mower under its own power.When first operating the mower or until becomingcomfortable with controls, use a reduced throttlespeed and reduced ground speed. DO NOT movecontrol levers to the furthest forward or reversepositions during initial operation.First time users should become familiar with themower’s movement on a hard surface, such asconcrete or blacktop PRIOR to attempting to operateon turf. Until the operator becomes comfortable withthe mower controls and zero turning capability, overlyaggressive maneuvers may damage turf.SteeringTo move forward and backwardThe direction and speed of the mower’s movementsare effected by the movement of the control lever(s)on each side of mower. The left control lever controlsthe left wheel. The right control lever controls the rightwheel.First time users should push the mower (see MovingMachine By Hand in the Operation section) to anopen, flat area without other people, vehicles orobstacles nearby. To move the unit under its ownpower, the operator must sit in the seat and startthe engine (see Before Starting in the Operationsection). Adjust the engine speed to idle, disengagethe parking brake but do not engage the blades atthis time. Rotate control levers inward. As long asthe control levers have not been moved forward orbackwards, the mower will not move.Slowly move both control levers forward slightly. Thiswill allow mower to start moving forward in a straightline. Pull the control levers back to the neutral positionand the mower should stop moving.Pull back slightly on control levers, allowing the mowerto move backwards. Push the control levers forward tothe neutral position and mower should stop moving.To turn to the rightWhile moving in a forward direction, pull the right leverback towards the neutral position while maintainingthe position of the left lever, this will slow the rotationof the right wheel and cause the machine to turn inthat direction.To turn to the leftWhile moving in a forward direction pull the left leverback towards the neutral position while maintainingthe position of the right lever, this will slow the rotationof the left wheel and cause the machine to turn in thatdirection.To zero turnWhile moving in a forward direction, first pull bothcontrol levers back until the mower stops or slowsdramatically.Then by alternating one lever slightly to the forwardposition and the other in the reverse position,complete the turn.