CleaningRegular cleaning and washing, especially underthe mower deck, will increase the machine’s life-span. Make it a habit to clean the machine directlyafter use (after it is cooled), before the dirt sticks.Do not spray water on the top of the mower deck.Use compressed air to clean the top side ofmower deck. Regularly clean deck and undersideof the deck with normal water pressure. Do notuse a high pressure washer or steam cleaner.Avoid spraying engine and electrical componentswith water.Do not rinse hot surfaces with cold water. Let unitcool before washing.HardwareCheck daily. Inspect the entire machine for looseor missing hardware.CAUTION! Always wear eyeprotection when cleaning andwashing.Anti-scalp rollers can be set in three positions.• Upper position 1" to 2-1/2" grass• Middle position 2-1/2" to 4" grass• Lower position 4" to 5" grassThe rollers must be approximately 1/4" fromground. Do not adjust the rollers to support thedeck.ZT-3100 PowertrainRegular external maintenance of the ZT-3100Powertrain™ should include the following:1. Check oil level in expansion tanks. Whenthe engine is cold, the tanks should be at theFULL COLD level.2. Inspect the vehicle drive belt, idler pulley(s),and idler spring(s). Insure that no belt slippagecan occur. Slippage can cause low inputspeed to the transmission.3. Inspect the transmission cooling fanfor broken or bent blades. Remove anyobstructions such as grass clippings, leavesor dirt.4. Inspect the park brake and vehicle linkage toinsure proper action and adjustment of theparking.5. Inspect the vehicle control linkage to thedirectional control arm on the transaxle.Also, make sure the control arm is securelyfastened to the trunnion arm of the transaxle.6. Inspect the bypass mechanism on thetransaxle and unit linkage to make sure itrotates and releases fully.IMPORTANT INFORMATION Any servicingdealer attempting a warranty repair must haveprior approval before conducting maintenanceof a Hydro-Gear® product, unless the servicingdealer is a current Authorized Hydro-GearService Center.27MAINTENANCE