11• Do not lean on handle. This takes weight off the wheelsand reduces traction. To get through a really toughsection of sod or hard ground, apply upward pressureon handle or lower the depth stake.FIG. 15FIG. 16OPERATION3 2 1546 7CULTIVATINGCultivating is destroying the weeds between rows to pre-vent them from robbing nourishment and moisture from theplants. At the same time, breaking up the upper layer ofsoil crust will help retain moisture in the soil. Best diggingdepth is 1" to 3" (2.5-7.5 cm). Lower the outer side shieldsto protect small plants from being buried.• Cultivate up and down the rows at a speed which willallow tines to uproot weeds and leave the ground inrough condition, promoting no further growth of weedsand grass (See Fig. 16).• Do not lean on handle, this takes weight off the wheels,reduces traction, and may cause the tiller to skip overthe ground.• Always lower the drag stake when using the forwardrotating tine drive.tire_1HAIRPINCLIPFIG. 17OUTER VIEW OF TIREtire_2FIG. 18INNER VIEW OF TIRECLEVISPINHAIRPINCLIPADJUST WHEELS FOR CULTIVATING(See Figs. 17 and 18)• Place blocks under right hand side of tiller and removehairpin clip and clevis pin from right hand wheel.• Move wheel outward approximately 1 inch until hole ininner wheel hub lines up with inner hole in axle.• Replace clevis pin and hairpin clip on inside of wheeland remove blocks.• Repeat preceding steps on left hand side.NOTE: In extremely rough conditions and whilecultivating, the wheels should be moved outward on theaxle for increased stability.CLEVISPIN