SeparationMotor/gear housing1. Remove the 4 screws in thehandle2. Part the handle and removeone half.SeparationElectric motor/gear housing1. Remove both screws that connect thehandle as well as the two screws that holdthe handle to the gear housing.2. Part the handle and pull out thehandle halves from the gear housing. Letone of the handle halves hang by theearth wires.63. Remove the screws next to thespirit levels.4. Lift out the motor.3. Remove the screws that keep theelectric motor attached to the gearhousing.4. Lift the electric motor out of the gearhousing.DISMANTLING IN BASIC MODULES413 42Gear housing/electric motorVirtually all service work requires the separation of the gearhousing from the electric motor.Oil changeOil changes are made through the hole in the electricmotor's drive shaft in the gear box cover.Oil change in gear housingYou can change the oil when the motor has been removed from the gearhousing. Turn the machine vertically with the motor facing up when dis-mantling.You must change the oil at 400 hour operational intervals. The oil is pouredout and topped up through the hole in the motor shaft. Volume around 0.25litre. Oil quality: Mobil Lube 1 SHC 75W90 or equivalent quality.Replace seals – gasket set 515 98 07-01New seals must always be fitted in connection with an oil change.The gasket set 515 98 07-01 contains the gasket and O-rings which must bereplaced between the motor and the gear box cover.1. Clean the seal surfaces carefully before fitting. 2. Fitting the gasket. Applygrease under the gasket to keep it in place when assembling (illustration 4).3. Lubricate the O-rings and fit these. 4. To avoid damaging the seals it isimportant the motor is precisely aligned with the gear housing when assemb-ling. Press the motor together parallel to the gear housing and tighten thescrews alternately.510 44 09-0140 43 12-00 503 26 30-291 2 3 4