3.7.4 Collision sensorsThe collision sensors are the sensors that detect whenthe product has run into a fixed object. When thesensors are activated, the product stops and movesrearwards and then turn to continue in a differentdirection.3.7.5 Cutting height sensorThe cutting height sensor detects the position of theblade disc and is used when adjusting the cutting height.The cutting height sensor must be calibrated to obtainthe correct cutting height when the cutting height settingis changed. The calibration of the sensor is carried outregularly.3.7.6 STOP sensorThere is a micro switch in the STOP button that detectsif the STOP button is pushed down. If the STOP signalis indicated, the product and the blade disc stopimmediately and the hatch is released.3.8 To do a test of the installationNote: Turn offECO mode before you do the tests.With theLawn coverage test you can do a test of theselected installation settings.3.8.1 Test: Lawn coverageNote: TheTest: Lawn coverage can only be used oncethe product has calibrated the guide wire. In otherwords, the product must have left the charging stationon at least one occasion, either inAuto mode or inconnection with the start-up sequence.TheTest: Lawn coverage function is used to test if theproduct can follow the guide wire or the boundary loopat the selected corridor width out from the chargingstation.TheTest: Lawn coverage can also be used to measurethe distance from the charging station to a remote area.The distance, stated in meters, is shown in the productdisplay when STOP is pressed. How to do the test isdescribed in the Operator's manual.3.9 Weather timerIfWeather timer is activated, the product automaticallyadjust its mowing times based on how fast the grassgrows. This is decided by continuously measuring theblade disc resistance and comparing that to a meanvalue. If the resistance is higher than the mean value,the product is allowed to work for a longer time, and theother way around. It takes a full day of mowing beforethe mean value can be calculated, and during this timetheWeather timer will not affect the mowing time.Note: The mean value will be reset if the product hasbeen turned off for more than 50 hours, if the settingsare reset, or if the cutting height is adjusted.TheWeather timer does not make the product workmore than the timer settings, only less. The product willalways perform at least one mowing cycle per day, onlyafter that the mowing time is reduced by theWeathertimer.3.10 Safe operation in slopesThe product adjusts its operation automatically based onfactors such as the slope angle and travel direction.If the slope is too steep, the product moves rearwardsand turns to try to find a less steep slope. If after 2attempts the product cannot find a less steep slope, itstops and the display indicates that the stop is causedby a steep incline.Slopes that exceed the specified maximum inclinationcan normally only be reached in very favourableconditions. Accessibility on steeper slopes thanspecified cannot be guaranteed.3.11 New loop signalIn rare cases, there may be a reason to change the loopsignal. For example, if two nearby installations have thesame loop signal they can interfere with each other.1. Select a new loop signal via the menu in the display.Note: A new loop signal has to be generated when theproduct returns to its ordinary charging station, forexample after service if a charging station other than thecustomer’s has been used. Refer toActions on page16.8 - Product and installation 1191 - 001 -