English - 101.5.3 Irregular mowing patternThe robotic lawnmower mows the lawn in an irregularpattern. This gives a very even mowing result. In ad-dition, there are no distinctive tracks left in the lawn,which is often the case when using a conventional lawnmower.Spiral cuttingSometimes the robotic lawnmower can change themowing pattern and start to mow in a spiral pattern in-stead. This is called spiral cutting. The purpose of spiralcutting is to quickly get the same length of grass overthe entire working area.When the robotic lawnmower starts spiral cutting thismeans it has perceived the lawn in an area to be longerand/or thicker than before. The length/thickness of thelawn in this area does not need to differ that much fromthe other areas for the robotic lawnmower to start spiralcutting. Sometimes the difference is hardly visible.The robotic lawnmower always attempts to keep theblade disc at an even speed. Different degrees of pow-er are used for this depending on the length/thicknessof the grass. Automower® compares the instantane-ous power with an average power value from the latesthours of mowing. This means that, when the roboticlawnmower enters an area where the lawn is longer/thicker than before, the instantaneous power will differfrom the average power and the Automower® will thenstart spiral cutting.The factory setting for Intensity is Medium for theAutomower® to begin spiral cutting. Intensity can beset between Low/Mid/High using the Settings - Spiralcutting menu. It is also possible to entirely shut downthe spiral cutting function in this menu. The Low settingmeans that the robotic lawnmower begins spiral cuttingless often.Spiral cutting is only activated in the automatic operat-ing position, i.e. the Main area mode. Mowing in theSecondary area mode does not allow the robotic lawn-mower to begin spiral cutting.1. FUNCTION