WARNING: Do not use the productwhen persons, especially children oranimals, are in the work area.WARNING: Keep your hands and feetaway from the rotating blades. Neverput your hands or feet close to orunder the product when the motor isrunning.35.2 Use• The product may only be used with theequipment recommended by themanufacturer. All other types of use areincorrect. The manufacturer’s instructionswith regard to operation/maintenance andrepair must be followed precisely.• Warning signs shall be placed around thework area if the product is used in publicareas. The signs shall have the followingtext: Warning! Automatic lawnmower!Keep away from the machine! Supervisechildren!Warning!Automatic lawnmower!Keep away from the machine!Supervise children!Warning!Automatic lawnmower!Keep away from the machine!Supervise children!• Use the PARK function or switch off themain switch when persons, especiallychildren or pets, are in the work area. It ispossible to program the product for useduring hours when the area is free fromactivity, e.g. at night.• The product may only be operated,maintained and repaired by persons that arefully conversant with its specialcharacteristics and safety regulations.Please read the Operator’s Manual carefullyand make sure you understand theinstructions before using the product.• It is not permitted to modify the originaldesign of the product. All modifications aremade at your own risk.• Check that there are no stones, branches,tools, toys or other objects on the lawn thatcan damage the blades. Objects on the lawncan also lead to the product getting stuckand help may be required to remove theobject before the product can continuemowing. Always set the main switch inposition0 before clearing a blockage.• Start the product according to theinstructions. When the main switch is set to1; make sure to keep your hands and feetaway from the rotating blades. Never putyour hands and feet under the product.• Never touch moving hazardous parts, suchas the blade disc, before it has come to acomplete stop.• Never lift up the product or carry it aroundwhen the main switch is in position 1.• The product must never be allowed tocollide with persons or other living creatures.If a person or other living creature comes inthe product’s way it shall be stoppedimmediately.• Do not put anything on top of the product orits charging station.• Do not allow the product to be used with adefective guard, blade disc or body. Neithershould it be used with defective blades,screws, nuts or cables. Never connect adamaged cable, or touch a damaged cablebefore it is disconnected from the supply.• Do not use the product if the main switchdoes not work.• Always switch off the product using the mainswitch when the product is not in use. Theproduct can only start when the main switchis set to 1 and the correct PIN code hasbeen entered.94 - Safety 903 - 001 - 21.09.2018