8 – EnglishSAFETY INSTRUCTIONS! WARNING! Over exposure to vibrations canresult in blood-vessel or nerve injury topersons suffering with blood circulationproblems. Seek medical attention if youexperience physical symptoms that can berelated to over exposure to vibrations.Examples of such symptoms are numbness,lack of feeling, “tickling“, “pricking“, pain lackof or a reduction in normal strength, changesin the colour of the skin or its surfaces. Thesesymptoms normally appear in the fingers,hands or wrists.! WARNING!Under all circumstances avoid cutting usingthe side of the blade; it will almost certainlybe damaged, break and can cause immensedamage. Only use the cutting section.! WARNING!Do not lean the blade to the side, this cancause the blade to jam or break with personalinjury as a consequence.Water cooling! WARNING! Water cooling, which is only usedfor petrol-driven power cutters and whencutting concrete, cools the cutting blade andincreases its service life as well as reducedust formation (see the section ”Abrasiveblades”). Among the disadvantages aredifficulties at very low temperatures, the riskof damaging the floor and other sections ofthe building and risk for slippage.Sharpening diamond bladesBlades can become dull when the wrong feeding pressure isused or when cutting some materials such as heavily reinforcedconcrete. To force a dull blade results in overheating and finallythe loss of segments (part of the blade).Sharpen against a soft material such as sandstone or hayditebrick.Blade vibrationThe blade can become out of shape (not round) and vibrate if atoo high feeding pressure is used or if the blade is pressed intothe work piece.A lower feeding pressure ought to stop the vibration. Otherwisereplace the cutting blade.Cutting techniqueThe technique described below is of a general character. Checkinformation for each blade regarding individual cutting characte-ristics. (For example, a diamond blade requires less feedingpressure than a abrasive blade).1.Support the work piece insuch away that you canpredict what will happenand so it will not pinch.2.Always cut at full throttle.3.Start cutting gently, donot force or squeeze theblade in.4.Use a high blade speed.5.Move the blade slowlybackwards and forwards.6.Use a small part of theblade’s cutting edge.7.Only use the blade’scutting edge whencutting.8.Cut with the blade fullyvertical – at right anglesto the work piece.Kickback! WARNING!Kickback can occur very suddenly and withgreat force. If the following directives are notfollowed, it can result in serious or even fatalinjury.If the sector of the blade illustrated below is used for cutting theblade can start to climbing and kickback the power cutterupwards and backwards towards the user with immense force.How to avoid kickback1. Never cut with thesegment illustrated in thediagram.2. Keep a good balance anda firm foothold.3. Use both hands and takea firm grip with the thumband fingers around thehandle.4. Keep the work piece at acomfortable distance.5. Use the cutter at fullthrottle.6. Take care when insertingthe blade in an existingcut.7. Never cut above shoulderheight.8. Be alert to movement ofthe work piece or anythingelse that can occur, whichcould cause the cut toclose and pinch the blade.