4 – English!SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS!!THE POWER CUTTER’S SAFETYEQUIPMENTThis section describes the power cutter’s safety equipment, itsfunction and how checks and maintenance are carried out toensure that it operates correctly. (See the chapter“What iswhat“ to locate where this equipment is positioned on yourpower cutter.)WARNING! Never use a power cutter withdefective safety equipment. Follow thecontrol, maintenance and service instructionsdescribed in this manual.1 Anti-vibrationsystemYour power cutter is equippedwith an anti-vibration system.This is designed to give as lowvibration levels andcomfortable usage as possible.The power cutter’s anti-vibration system reduces thetransfer of vibration betweenthe engine/cutting equipmentand the cutting trolley. Theengine body including thecutting equipment issuspended in a handle systemvia anti-vibration elements.2 Stop switchThe stop switch should beused to stop the engine.WARNING! Incorrect or careless use of apower cutter can turn it into a dangerous toolthat can cause serious or even fatal injury. Itis extremely important that you read andunderstand this manual.PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENTWARNING! When using a power cutter,protective equipment approved by theappropriate authorities must be used. Perso-nal protective equipment does not eliminatethe risk of accidents, however, it can reducethe effects of an injury in the event of anaccident. Ask your dealer for help whenchoosing protective equipment.• PROTECTIVE HELMET• EAR PROTECTION• PROTECTIVE GLASSESOR FULL FACEPROTECTION• BREATHING MASK• HEAVY-DUTY, FIRM GRIPPROTECTIVE GLOVES• SNUG-FITTING, HEAVY-DUTY, COMFORTABLECLOTHING THAT ALLOWSFULL FREEDOM OFMOVEMENT• LEG PROTECTION (TOPROTECT AGAINSTSPARKS AND CUTTINGFRAGMENTS)• ANTI-SLIP BOOTS WITHSTEEL TOE CAPS• FIRST AID KIT SHOULDALWAYS BE ON HAND