2 – EnglishKEY TO SYMBOLSSymbolsWARNING! Incorrect or careless use of ahedge trimmer can turn it into a dangeroustool that can cause serious or even fatalinjury. It is extremely important that youread and understand the contents of thisoperator’s manual.Please read the operator’s manual carefullyand make sure you understand theinstructions before using the machine.Always wear:• Approved hearing protection• Approved eye protectionThis product is in accordance with applicableEC directives.Cutting tool. Do not touch the tool withoutfirst switching off the engine.This machine is not electrically insulated.If the machine touches or comes close tohigh-voltage power lines it could lead todeath or serious bodily injury. Electricity canjump from one point to another by arcing.The higher the voltage, the greater thedistance electricity can jump. Electricity canalso travel through branches and otherobjects, especially if they are wet. Alwayskeep a distance of at least 10 m between the machine andhigh-voltage power lines and/or any objects that are touchingthem. If have to work within this safe distance you shouldalways contact the relevant power company to make sure thepower is switched off before you start work.This machine can be dangerous! The operator of the machinemust ensure, while working, that no persons or animals comecloser than 15 metres.Arrows which show limits for handlepositioning.Always wear approved protective gloves.Wear sturdy, non-slip boots or shoes.Noise emission to the environment accordingto the European Community’s Directive. Themachine’s emission is specified in chapterTechnical data and on label.Other symbols/decals on the machine refer to specialcertification requirements for certain markets.The engine is switched off by moving the stopswitch to the stop position. CAUTION! Thestop switch automatically returns to the startposition. In order to prevent unintentionalstarting, the spark plug cap must be removedfrom the spark plug when assembling, checking and/orperforming maintenance.Always wear approved protective gloves.Regular cleaning is required.Visual check.Protective goggles or a visor must be worn.