EC Declaration of ConformityEC Declaration of ConformityHusqvarna AB, SE-561 82 Huskvarna, Sweden, tel:+46-36-146500, declares that the hedge trimmersHusqvarna 322HD60 with serial numbers dating from2019 onwards (the year is clearly stated on the ratingplate, followed by the serial number), comply with therequirements of the COUNCIL’S DIRECTIVE:• of May 17, 2006 ”relating to machinery” 2006/42/EC• of February 26, 2014 ”relating to electromagneticcompatibility” 2014/30/EU• of May 8, 2000 ”relating to the noise emissions in theenvironment” 2000/14/EC. Conformity assessmentaccording to Annex V. For information relating tonoise emissions, refer to the Technical data chapter.• of June 8, 2011 ”on the restriction of the use ofcertain hazardous substances in electrical andelectronic equipment” 2011/65/EU.The following standards have been applied:EN ISO 12100:2010, CISPR 12:2007, EN ISO10517:2009/A1:2013, EN 50581:2012RISE SMP Svensk Maskinprovning AB, Box 7035,SE-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden has performed voluntarytype examination on behalf of Husqvarna AB. Thecertificates are numbered: SEC/10/2280-322HD60Huskvarna, 2019-05-01Per Gustafsson, Development Manager (Authorizedrepresentative for Husqvarna AB and responsible fortechnical documentation)1073 - 004 - 15