WORKING TECHNIQUESEnglish – 23ladder, in a tree or where you do not have firm groundto stand on.6 Always use a fast cutting speed, i.e. full throttle.7 Take great care when you cut with the top edge of thebar, i.e. when cutting from the underside of the object.This is known as cutting on the push stroke. The chaintries to push the chain saw back towards the user. Ifthe saw chain is jamming, the saw may be pushedback at you.8 Unless the user resists this pushing force there is arisk that the chain saw will move so far backwards thatonly the kickback zone of the bar is in contact with thetree, which will lead to a kickback.Cutting with the bottom edge of the bar, i.e. from thetop of the object downwards, is known as cutting onthe pull stroke. In this case the chain saw pulls itselftowards the tree and the front edge of the chain sawbody rests naturally on the trunk when cutting. Cuttingon the pull stroke gives the operator better control overthe chain saw and the position of the kickback zone.9 Follow the instructions on sharpening and maintainingyour bar and chain. When you replace the bar andchain use only combinations that are recommendedby us. See instructions under the headings Cuttingequipment and Technical data.Basic cutting techniqueGeneral• Always use full throttle when cutting!• Reduce the speed to idle after every cut (running theengine for too long at full throttle without any load, i.e.without any resistance from the chain during cutting,can lead to serious engine damage).• Cutting from above = Cutting on the pull stroke.• Cutting from below = Cutting on the push stroke.Cutting on the push stroke increases the risk of kickback.See instructions under the heading How to avoidkickback.TermsCutting = General term for cutting through wood.Limbing = Cutting branches off a felled tree.Splitting = When the object you are cutting breaks offbefore the cut is complete.There are five important factors you should considerbefore making a cut:1 Make sure the cutting equipment will not jam in thecut.2 Make sure the object you are cutting will not split.3 Make sure the chain will not strike the ground or anyother object during or after cutting.4 Is there a risk of kickback?5 Do the conditions and surrounding terrain affect howsafely you can stand and move about?! WARNING! Never use a chain saw byholding it with one hand. A chain saw isnot safely controlled with one hand.Always have a secure, firm grip aroundthe handles with both hands.