9SAFETY INSTRUCTIONSS If the machine is leaking fuel. Checkregularly for leaks from the fuel capand fuel lines.S Avoid all skin contact with fuel. Fuel isa skin irritant and may even causeskin changes.Transporting and storageS Store and transport the machine and fuelso that there is no risk of any leakage orfumes coming into contact with sparks ornaked flames, for example, from electri-cal machinery, electric motors, electricalrelays/switches or boilers.S When storing and transporting fuel al-ways use approved containers intendedfor this purpose.S When storing the machine for long peri-ods the fuel tank must be emptied. Con-tact your local gas station to find outwhere to dispose of excess fuel.General working instructionsIMPORTANT!This section describes the basic safety pre-cautions for working with trimmers. If youencounter a situation where you are uncer-tain how to proceed you should ask an ex-pert. Contact your servicing dealer.Avoid all usage which you consider to bebeyond your capability.You must understand the difference betweenforestry clearing, grass clearing and grasstrimming before use.Basic safety rules1. Look around you:S To ensure that people, animals or otherthings cannot affect your control of themachine.S To ensure that people, animals, etc.,do not come into contact with the cut-ting attachment or loose objects thatare thrown out by the cutting attach-ment.S CAUTION! Do not use the machineunless you are able to call for help inthe event of an accident.2. Do not use the machine in bad weather,such as dense fog, heavy rain, strongwind, intense cold, etc. Working in badweather is tiring and often brings addedrisks, such as icy ground, unpredictablefelling direction, etc.3. Make sure you can move and stand safely.Check the area around you for possible ob-stacles (roots, rocks, branches, ditches, etc.)in case you have to move suddenly. Takegreat care when working on sloping ground.4. Switch off the engine before moving toanother area.5. Never put the machine down with the enginerunning.Basic working techniquesS Always slow the engine to idle speed aftereach working operation. Long periods atfull throttle without any load on the enginecan lead to serious engine damage.Grass trimming using a trimmerheadTrimmingS Hold the trimmer head just above theground at an angle. It is the end of the trim-mer line that does the work. Let the trim-mer line work at its own pace. Never pressthe trimmer line into the area to be cut.S The trimmer line can easily remove grassand weeds up against walls, fences, treesand borders, however it can also damagesensitive bark on trees and bushes, anddamage fence posts.S Reduce the risk of damaging plants by short-ening the trimmer line to 4--4 1/2 inches(10--12 cm) and reducing the engine speed.S When trimming you should use less thanfull throttle so that the trimmer line lastslonger and to reduce the wear on thetrimmer head.WARNING! Sometimes branchesor grass get caught between theguard and cutting attachment.Always stop the engine beforecleaning.WARNING! Take care when han-dling fuel. Bear in mind the risk offire, explosion and inhaling fumes.