6ASSEMBLY / PRE-OPERATIONINSTALL DISCHARGE CHUTE / CHUTE ROTATERHEAD (See Fig. 7)NOTE: The multi-wrench provided in your parts bag maybe used to install the chute rotater head.1. Place discharge chute assembly on top of chute basewith discharge opening toward front of snow thrower.2. Position chute rotater head over chute bracket. If neces-sary, rotate chute assembly to align square and pin on un-derside of chute rotater head with holes in chute bracket.3. With chute rotater head and chute bracket aligned,position chute rotater head on pin and threaded studof mounting bracket.4. Install 3/8 washer and locknut on threaded stud andtighten securely.AUGERCONTROLRODCONTROLARMRUBBERSLEEVELOOPOPENINGUPFIG. 5INSTALL AUGER CONTROL ROD (See Figs. 5 and 6)The auger control rod has the short loop on the end of thespring as shown.1. Slide rubber sleeve up rod and hook end of spring intocontrol arm with loop opening up as shown.2. With top end of rod positioned under right side ofcontrol panel, push down on rod and insert end of rodinto hole in auger control bracket. Secure with retainerspring.AUGERCONTROLLEVERAUGER CONTROL RODAUGERCONTROLBRACKETRETAINERSPRINGFIG. 6CHUTEROTATERHEAD3/8 WASHER3/8 LOCKNUTTHREADEDSTUDPINROTATER HEADMOUNT INGBRACKETCHUTEBRACKETFIG. 7ALIGN BEFORETIGHTENING LOCKNUT