1. Power plug2. Fast charge button3. Charging LED4. Error LED on charger5. Battery (Husqvarna 100-B750X not included)6. Battery (Husqvarna 100-B380X not included)7. Battery chargerSYMBOLS ON THE PRODUCTWARNING! This product can be dangerousand cause serious injury or death to theoperator or others. Be careful and use theproduct correctlyRead the operator's manual carefully andmake sure that you understand theinstructions before use.The product agrees with the applicable ECdirectives.IPX4 - The product has protection againstsplashing water.Functional grounding.The product or package of the product is notdomestic waste.yyyywwxxxx The rating plate shows serial number.yyyy is the production year, ww is theproduction week.Note: Other symbols/decals on the product refer tocertification requirements for some commercial areas.SAFETY DEFINITIONSWarnings, cautions and notes are used to point out speciallyimportant parts of the manual.1528 - 002 - 3